
History of Gymnastics in Singapore


Singapore Gymnastics Colours

Many athletes have represented Singapore in gymnastics. In recognition of their commitment and contribution to the sport Singapore Gymnastics has greated an Honour Roll with three levels: Gold, Silver and Bronze.

Click here for Honour Board


Athlete Representation

A list of athlete representation can be found in the links below. The lists highlight athletes who won gold medals in Bronze level events, competed in Silver and Gold level events, and other signifcant achievements or awards.

1979 to 2010 2011 to 2016 2017 to 2020


Stories and Oral Histories

History of Gymnastics in Singapore - AG Representation 2011 to 2018
History of Gymnastics in Singapore - AG Representation 2000 to 2010
History of Gymnastics in Singapore - 1st National Championships
Tribute to Mr Lee Seng Huat by journalist Suresh Nair
The Passing of an Era

