Coach Development

Coach Education Framework


Singapore Gymnastics (SG) is excited to have developed a Gymnastics Coach Education Framework that is recognised by Sport Singapore (SportSG) under the Coach SG Programme, formerly known as NCAP. The courses provide a platform for quality education and training for coaches. Singapore Gymnastics, in association with Sport Singapore, Coach SG, will provide an official qualification for gymnastics coaches in Singapore. Coaches will receive nationally recognized qualification, under the National Registry of Coaches (NROC).

The model builds from bottom to top. Vertically, changes of colours indicate progressing levels. Horizontally different modules indicate alignment.

Click to read more on the Coach Education Policy [P016]

Coaching Courses

Fundamental Coaching Course

Intermediate Coaching Course

FIG Academies

Coaching Courses FAQ


Coaches Information

Recognition of Prior Learning

National Register of Coaches
(external link)

Continuing Coach Education
(extenal link)

Files available for download