Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of Prior Learning

Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is the acknowledgement of experience, skills and knowledge pertaining to gymnastics coaching.

Under the coaching framework of Singapore Gymnastics, coaches may apply for RPL for the following SG accreditation:

  • Fundamentals Gymnastics Course
  • Intermediate Gymnastics Course (discipline specific)

While it is important to recognise the knowledge and skills of coaches who come to the country, it is equally important to ensure that their knowledge and skills reflect the modern approach to coaching that Singapore Gymnastics (SG) supports. For this reason the focus is on the coach’s readiness to coach in Singapore rather than purely an assessment of the coach’s experience and technical knowledge.

For detailed information please check the RPL Policy.

Depending on your current accreditation, the following tables will clarify the different paths to RPL. Please identify where you are in the table and follow the process from there. 


  • Please ensure that all supporting documents are uploaded as per requested in each form.
  • RPL application will take up to 8-12 weeks to process.
  • Successful applicants will receive complimentary SG Technical Membership for the calendar year.
  • Unsuccessful applicants, will receive complimentary registration for the next Singapore Gymnastics Coaching they are eligible for. 
  • For any accreditation, applicants must have completed Standard First Aid

Local Coaching Accreditatation

Category 1

What is it?
RPL for Fundamentals and Intermediate.

Who is it for?
For coaches who have earned accreditation with Singapore Gymnastics in the past 9 years but are currently lapsed.
How much does it cost?
Equal to that of Technical Membership.
Click here for requirements for submission

Category 2
What is it?
RPL for Fundamentals only.
Who is it for?
For student coaches with Republic Polytechnic course modules S667 & S261 that relate to coaching of Gymnastics.
How much does it cost?
Equal to that of Technical Membership.
Click here for requirements for submission


Foreign Coaching Accreditation and/or University Degrees

Category 3
What is it?
RPL for Intermediate only.
Who is it for?
For coaches coaches who have moved to Singapore within 3 months, with accreditation from a FIG Coach Academy Course and/or the following National federations:
Gymnastics Australia
British Gymnastics
Gymnastics New Zealand
Gymnastics Canada
South African Gymnastics Federation
How much does it cost?
Equal to that of Intermediate Coaching Course
Click here for requirements for submission
Category 4
What is it?
RPL for Intermediate only.
Who is it for?
For coaches coaches who have moved to Singapore within 3 months, with University degree/ Diploma transcripts or coaching accreditation from countries not listed in Category 3 that relate to coaching of Gymnastics.
How much does it cost?
Equal to that of Intermediate Coaching Course
Click here for requirements for submission


RPL Workflow

Click on link below for high resolution version.


Files available for download