Name: Megan Tan
Name in Chinese/Tamil Character: 陈家慧
Date of birth: 08-15-2008
Height: 162 cm
Current School: Raffles Girls' School
Age began gymnastics and reason for starting: 7 years old, as I had to choose a CCA.
First Club: Flyonce Gymnastics School
First Coach: Sun Ping
Current Club: Rhythm & Groove
Current Coach: Ralina Rakipova
Favourite apparatus: Hoop
Favourite skill: Back Grab Turn
Most difficult skill to learn so far: Turn Jeté
Personal Best Recorded and the Event in which it was recorded: 12.8-Clubs
Major Sporting Achievements:
• National Championships 2021- 4th for hoop
• DuGym Cup 2019- 3rd for rope, 4th for hoop
• National Championships 2019- 4th for rope, 1st for hoop, 1st for clubs, 1st IAA
Sporting motto or saying: When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
Most admired sports person: Cristiano Ronaldo
Who is your favourite gymnast and why? Lala Kramarenko. She is much younger than some of her competitors but she always tries her best despite having many strong competitors, and it really inspires me to do the same.
Favourite music: 小幸运 by Hebe Tien
Favourite movie: Crazy Rich Asians
My favourite local dish: Char Quay Teow
My main support group: My parents and my teammates
If I was not an athlete, I would like to be... A singer
Top 3 items in my bucket list includes... Winning a medal for Singapore in an overseas competition, watching the rhythmic gymnastics Olympics live and watching the Northern Lights in Norway.
I love to hang out at... because... I love to hang out at Starbucks because it helps with work productivity as it is very peaceful.
One interesting fact that most people do not know about me is... I generally don’t like fried or barbecue foods.
Any other pre-competition routines that you practice besides warm up? I will look at inspirational quotes to calm myself down and help me perform better.
What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your sporting career? How did you overcome that?
The greatest challenge I have faced is coping with studies and gymnastics. I try to finish my work and maybe some extra revision before training.