Terry Tay



Name: Terry Tay

Height: 174.5 cm 

Working / Career: KPMG

Age began gymnastics and reason for starting: 6 years old, just for fun. Fun fact: I quit gymnastics for a few weeks just after joining- was punished by being made to do a handstand for talking too much during class. Thankfully it was just a phase, and I joined shortly after. It's funny seeing how far one has come!

First Club: Learn to Play

First Coach:  Qiao Ya

Current Club: National Training Centre

Current Coach: Park Gi Yong

Favourite apparatus: Roman Rings

Favourite skill: Iron Cross

Personal Best Recorded and the Event in which it was recorded: 2021 National Championships – Floor Exercise 14.450

Major Sporting Achievements:

  • South-East Asian Games 2021 – Team Bronze, 2nd on Floor Exercise 
  • South-East Asian Games 2015 – Won Singapore's historic first ever South-East Asian Games Team medal for MAG
  • South-East Asian Games 2013 – First South-East Asian gymnast to have a skill named after self – "The Tay"
  • Commonwealth Games 2011 – 3rd place on Vault 

Competition Experiences:

  • South-East Asian Games: 2011, 2015, 2019, 2021, 2023
  • Asian Games: 2014, 2018, 2023
  • Commonwealth Games: 2014, 2022
  • Asian Championships: 2023
  • World Championships: 2013, 2014, 2018

Sporting Motto or Saying: Enjoy the process, the outcome is a bonus. 

Who is your favourite gymnast and why ?: Gabriel Gan. He was my previous team captain who led by example, spent time just chilling, and taught me a lot of life lessons.

Favourite music: Chill house

Favourite movie: In-time

My favourite local dish is: Black carrot cake

My main support group consist of: Family, coach and teammates

If I was not an athlete, I would like to be: A restaurant chef

One interesting fact that most people do not know about me is: Not a fan of soft drinks.

What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your sporting career? How did you overcome that?

A major wrist, and shoulder surgery back in 2017. Honestly thought that was the end of my gymnastics career. I showed up post-surgery, put in the hard (and painful) work of rehabilitation and recovery. Setting goals and a support system definitely helps!

