Thea Chew

Name: Thea Chew

Name in Chinese/Tamil Character: 周婷予

Date of birth: 02-12-2009

Height: 151 cm

Current School: Singapore Sports School

Age began gymnastics and reason for starting: 7 years old 

First Club: Releve

First Coach: Miss Cherre

Current Club: National Training Centre 

Current Coach: Berfin Or Serdils 

Favourite apparatus: Clubs

Favourite skill: Back scale turn

Most difficult skill to learn so far: Back scale turn

Sporting motto or saying: Just Do it

Most admired sports person: Linoy Ashram

Who is your favourite gymnast and why? Linoy Ashram. She moves really fast and does a lot of elements.

Favourite music: Towards the sun and Thursday’s Child

Favourite movie: Raya and the last dragon 

My favourite local dish: Chicken rice

My main support group: Family and friends 

If I was not an athlete, I would like to be... Artist .

One interesting fact that most people do not know about me is... I am allergic to trees and grass, so parks ain't for me.

Any other pre-competition routines that you practice besides warm up? Pray 🙏 in between competitions eat a small snack and drink 100 plus

What is the greatest challenge you have faced in your sporting career? How did you overcome that? Not giving up after one drop during the routine 
