Terms of Registration

Terms of Registration

By applying and submitting your membership with Singapore Gymnastics, you agree to abide by all of Singapore Gymnastics’ policies and procedures, as updated by Singapore Gymnastics from time to time, should your membership application be accepted. Please our website for more information on the respective policies. 

Declaration & Indemnity Clause

I hereby agree to participate* at Training/Courses/Events under Singapore Gymnastics and abide by the rules and regulations of the Training/Courses/Events. 

In consideration of your acceptance of the entry, all claims and damages against Singapore Gymnastics, its officers, agents and employees, arising from, occasioned by, or incidental to (my child’s/ward’s) * / my* entry or participation at SG events are hereby waived, released and forever discharged. 

In an emergency, permission is granted to the Singapore Gymnastics to seek medical attention for (my child/ward) * / me*, as it may deem necessary at my sole expense. 

If the participant is under 21 years old, the declaration & indemnity clause needs to be signed off by his/her parent/guardian. 

Consent Clause

By signing this membership application form, you agree that Singapore Gymnastics may collect, use and disclose your personal data, as provided in this application form, or (if applicable) obtained by our organization as a result of your membership, for the following purposes in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012 and our [P017] PDPA (Public Data Protection Act) policy :  

  • The processing of this membership application 

  • The administration of the membership with our organization 

  • The provision of medical support by the Singapore Gymnastics’ sport medical team 

  • The processing and administration of Singapore Gymnastics’ insurance claims 

  • Any other purposes which we notify you at the time of obtaining your consent 

Please visit our website for further details on our [P017] PDPA (Public Data Protection Act) policy, including how you may access and correct your personal data or withdraw consent to the collection, use or disclosure of your personal data.  


By signing this membership application form, you acknowledge and agree to the requirements to register as a Singapore Gymnastics member. The membership is valid from 1 January to 31 December each year. Please note that Singapore Gymnastics does not refund Membership fees and may only be considered for technical problems associated with the payment of fees online. 

Please visit our website for further details on our [P008] Membership Policy and [P029] Refund Policy


As part of SG membership, members will receive their membership parcel by post. These packs will only be delivered locally. Should SG receive any bounced parcels, members will be contacted via email for self-collection at the National Office. Bounced parcels that are unclaimed for 3 months will be deemed property of SG.

Coaches' Code of Conduct (Technical Members only)

By signing this membership application form, all technical members agree to and enforce the code of ethics that demonstrates our commitment to providing quality services and expertise in accordance with the following: