As we look back into this year, everyone would have thought that there are many things that we could have done better. In the month of December, it would be good to stocktake on the happenings for KinderGym for 2022 and have a wishlist of the many things that we hope for the next year!
With the easing of the safe management measures (SMM) for Covid-19 it was a good opportunity to resume the partnership with ActiveSG Gymnastics Academy in offering KinderGym programme to the preschoolers at the ActiveSG sport centres. In the month of July 2022, a total of over 20 children ages four to six years old started their KinderGym journey under this partnership. By October 2022 which is the start of the second season, a total of over 30 children has joined the programme with almost 80% of the first season's participants staying on in the programme. Even though the participation numbers were small, it is a good starting point. During the school holidays, initiatives to have tryouts sessions were also conducted to allow participants to get an initial exposure to the programme to promote interest.
On the other side of the coaching community, 17 coaches from different phases of their coaching career came onboard to be trained in the KinderGym courses conducted. Some of them are new to the gymnastics scene while some are veteran coaches who have been around in the circuit for quite a while. They get to use music in their classes, work on lesson plans catering to the various dominant movement patterns (DMP) while ensuring the safety of the children and the environment as the top priority. Coaches shared best practices and ideas with each other in thoses sessions.
With the new coming year of 2023, the wish is to increase the participation numbers in the KinderGym programme and engage more coaches to join the KinderGym community. At the same time, do look out for the third ActiveSG Gymnastics Academy KinderGym programme in the west!