
Athlete development: Performance versus Scores

Published Tue 23 Jul 2024

Nick Ruddock, world leading coach educator and consultant within the international gymnastics community recently put out a short but critical video message about the importance of focusing on the PERFORMANCE and not SCORES for younger gymnasts. 

The key message from the video focuses and celebrates the gymnast's performance goals and personal achievements over scores and rankings. While scores are important for feedback and tracking progress, they are influenced by factors outside the gymnast's control, such as judging variability and competitors' performances. Therefore, focusing on improving performance, setting and achieving goals, and maintaining a positive mindset are crucial for long-term success and development in gymnastics. This approach not only builds resilience but also fosters a healthy attitude towards competition and self-improvement.

This video is less than 4 minutes long and highly recommended for every coach and parent to have a listen.

