Researchers tell us that children learn best through exploration and discovery through physical activity. It is also a great time to teach young children healthy behavior and have fun while building strong muscles.
For young children, Kindergym is beneficial to a child in many ways enhancing the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of the children while building their sense of self and others. Children can experience a wide range of movement activities and are encouraged to think, create, construct and solve problems with their ow bodies.
Kindergym promotes physical strength building your child’s upper body, lower body, and overall core strength; weight bearing activities can aid in strong and healthy bones. The other benefits of KinderGym are increased coordination and improved flexibility. A child will learn alignment skills while jumping, tumbling and moving.
KinderGym coaches ensure that the equipment set-up are safe, stimulating and provides enless opportunities to develop physical activity through stimulation and provide endless movement opportunities for children to play and learn. Music appreciation and academic readiness skills are incorporated into each activity as our Kindergym coaches work to build each child’s self-esteem and independence.
Lastly, KinderGym also promotes the child as the key focal point and involves active participation of the child’s parent who also benefit from sharing in their children’s fun and enjoyment. It allows parent to share than direct, allowing for real benefits from their child’s self-initiated play.