
Club Affiliation 2022 going live

Published Mon 20 Dec 2021

As 2021 draws close to an end, Singapore Gymnastics first want to appreciate our clubs for being with us through the many challenges we have faced in this year. Your support, connection and feedback mean a lot to us as it helps us improve and be able to better service our community. We look forward to continuing this connection with our clubs in the new year, to grow the sport and its participation.

Club affiliation 2022 is now live and clubs are welcome to prepare and put in their application for the new year. Please note that the national office will be closed from 24th Dec 2021 to Monday 3rd January 2022. All invoicing will proceed when the office reopens.


Club Membership vs Associate Club Membership (as per constitution)

As per constitution, clubs must have a minimum of 25 registered athletes members with SG to be recognised as a Club Member. For more information about club membership, please visit

For clubs with less than 25 registered Athlete Members, they can register with SG but they will be recognised as an Associate Club and paying at the Associate Club rate, which will be higher than the regular club membership. Associate Clubs will still be able to participate in SG events but will have limited benefits and cannot be part of Club Quality Assurance Programme. When an Associate club subsequently have more than 25 registered Athlete Members with SG, SG can offer a credit rebate so that these clubs are upgraded to regular club membership and enjoy the same rate. For more information, please visit


Before renewing/registering for affiliation

If clubs have not already done the Club Health Survey, please do take a moment to complete it via By doing so, it allows SG to better understand clubs' current status and work together with you on an action plan to elevate clubs further.

This is in conjunction with the introduction of the Singapore Gymnastics Club Quality Assurance Programme which is a quality assurance, risk management and club development system for affiliated gymnastics clubs as an approach to ensure their long-term success.


Attachments enclosed

Clubs will receive an email with information and details pertaining to Club Affiliation 2022, including attachments such as:

  1. Club Affiliation pack 2022 that includes all the Appendixes clubs may need for upload in .doc format
  2. a copy of all the registered athlete and technical members with SG that is linked to the club
  3. a copy of the club’s response received for Club Affiliation 2021 for reference


To renew/register for affiliation

To renew/register affiliation, clubs must:

  • Complete an Online Club Affiliation Registration/Renewal form 
  • Maintain ongoing registration and compliance as an entity with all relevant legal requirements
  • Abide by the National Affiliation standards which include:
    • having a minimum of one coach that has a current NROC and SG Technical membership 
    • having a minimum of one coach completed SportSG online Safe Sport training module
    • having a minimum of one sport administrator completed the SportSG online Safe Sport training module
    • having a coach mentor on board
    • adopted the SG Child Commitment Statement with proof of implementation 
    • Signed the Club Commitment to Standard of care and child safety statement for the year 

It is important to ensure that all the necessary documents are completed, uploaded and submitted accordingly, otherwise insufficient information or incomplete documents will delay the affiliation process.

Need more information or help about Club Affiliation and/or Club Quality Assurance Programme? Please write in to 
