Join us for our Gymnastics Club Congress 2024 where we unveil the secret to make your club bulletproof: The 4 Rs - Recruitment, Retention, Responsibilities and Recourses.
Date: 17 April, 2024
Time : 9am -2pm
Location: Singapore Sports Hub
Former gymnast turned startup expert Nadine Yap will be our Guest of honour. She will delve into the world of digital efficiency and innovation.
In todays digital age, staying ahead means embracing technology. Learn how to leverage digital tools to stremaline operations, enhance communication and drive efficiency in your gymnastics club. Learn how to revolutionize your clubs' operations and stay ahead in today's fast paced digital landscape.
This condensed one-day schedule promises invaluable insights into topics such as start-ups, digital efficiency, recruitment, retention, responsibilities and recourse management. Do not miss the opportunity to learn from industry leaders and unlock the potential for growth and sucess in your club.
*Register Here