
Creating a Safe Environment in the Gym with the Rule of Two

Published Fri 13 Nov 2020



Creating a healthy and safe sport environment, both on and off the field of play, will benefit all participants. Whether you’re a coach, administrator or parent, we all have a role to play in making sport a fun and rewarding experience.

What is the Rule of Two?

The Rule of Two is a process to ensure all interactions are open, observable and justifiable. Its purpose is to protect sports participants/athletes (especially minors and vulnerable adults) and coaches in potentially high-risk situations by ensuring more than one adult is present. There may be exceptions for emergency situations.

Good Rule of two implementation practices:

  • The coach is never alone and out of sight with a participant without another NROC coach or trained adult (parents or volunteer or sports administrator) present.
  • Allow training environment to be open to observation by others or the public.
  • Consider the gender of the participant(s) when selecting the NROC coaches and volunteers who are present.
  • Eliminate one-to-one electronic messaging.
  • Ensure that all communications are sent to the group and/or include parents.

Recommended Resources

For more information on the Child Safe Commitment or to learn more about the different resources available (for organisations, coaches, and parents) to adhere to ethical coaching practices, please visit

Discover which gymnastics club have pledged their commitment to the Child Safety by clicking  HERE.

Ready to take the pledge? Submit your application to become an NROC Coach HERE.

For more information, please email
