

Published Wed 10 Feb 2021


Photo by Shaun Ho

Singapore Gymnastics (SG) has successfully held its first event since the COVID-19 pandemic with preventive measures in place to ensure a safe, hygienic and comfortable environment for athletes, judges, volunteers and staff.

The Hybrid competition, a one-day face-to-face competition for high-level gymnasts was held successfully on Sunday, 07 February at Bishan Sports Hall.

SG has stepped up preventive measures to ensure the health, safety and well-being of staff members and participants.

SG’s Marketing and Events Manager, Darlene May Reyes is excited about the sports’ recovery, noting “SG is set to welcome events back. Health, safety and well-being of staff members and visitors have always been our top priority.

"The SG team has been working closely to implement necessary measures to address health and hygiene concerns.

“With the success of the Face-to-face Competition, we can demonstrate our commitment to providing professional services and customer care for event organisers and participants."

Photo by Shaun Ho

The SG team implement special preventive measures in event arrangements, such as floor plan design, queuing logistics, F&B provision etc. All arrangements complied with the requirements imposed by the local authority and SportSG.

All participants, coaches, judges, volunteers, contractors and SG staff members were required to wear face masks at all times and had their body temperature screened before entering the Bishan Sports Hall. Social distancing practice was implemented.

Sanitation and disinfection were carried out by the SG staff regularly to ensure venue hygiene.

Photo by Shaun Ho

SG has also embraced technology advances that allowed for larger viewers

The Face-to-Face competition was made accessible for people all over the world through live-streamed videos on Facebook

With this new change comes the promise of virtual reality features to bring together remote audiences for an immersive look at the competition.

SG is currently looking for ways to include the creation of a new, interactive web portal to help provide a richer, digital experience for audiences worldwide which will be made available for the National Championships 2021.


The event wouldn’t be possible without the enormous support from volunteers:

Kwang Ling Koh – Scoring Team Leader

Shaun Ho – Event Photographer

AG Volunteers:

  • Amy Yap
  • Sakinah Dollah
  • Kim Tay
  • Jonah Loh
  • Cameron Pefianco
  • Barr

RG Volunteers:

  • Imelda Adji
  • Wong Soo Han Serena
  • Lee Pei Shan Shannon
  • Evangeline Ng Hui En
  • Jemima Izman Phoa
  • Liew Xin Yu Tina
