From a stark Men's Artisitic training area, our four KinderGym (KG) coaching course participants converted it into a KinderGym playland. Now it looks like KinderGym! The course was held on 22 - 23 March 2023, as with every course we hope to create a bank of ideas that coaches can bring back to their gyms to incorporate or start their own KinderGym programmes working with children under 6 years old. Some of the focus we taken in this run was:
- Setting up fun activities using limited equipments and modifying a standard gym into a KinderGym-friendly set up. Our KG philosophy believes strong in structuring the environment to suit the child rather than the other way around.
- Provide different perspective and ideas on how to engage kids under the ages of 6 years old. A 3-4 year old toddler might struggle initially with an activity that is meant for a 7 year old differently because of physical, socia-emotional and cogntive development difference. It is important that we prepare age-appropriate activities that challenges children in a safe and fun manner by understanding children develop at different rate.
- Sharing fun ideas on how to implement Dominant Movement Patterns (DMPs) into lesson plans. Depending on the children's readiness and development, they may not be ready to move on to skills yet but building a strong foundation of DMPs can start anytime and for us, our slogan has always been "Start here, Go Anywhere"
- Exploring diverse ways of run a KG class and to think bigger than just line drills or what how "normal gymnastics classes" are run - how can we help little children find success in alternative ways!
- Lastly, helping coaches build more confidence take the babies class and even working with parents since KG encourage adult/parent involvement
There are so much benefits of KinderGym for little children under 6 years old and it's not just limited to the physical stuff. We always look at developing the whole child, developing a strong introduction to physical literacy and a lifelong passion for movement.
To find out more about KinderGym, check out our webpage https://www.singaporegymnastics.org.sg/oursport/kindergym/ and to find out when is the next KG course running, check out our Events page here