Coaching has always been a physical and kinaesthetic activity, in terms of delivering and learning the sport on both the gymnasts and coaches' part. Like many in the gymnastics community who has taken to Zoom and perhaps other alternative forms of continuing gymnastics training, the inclusion and integration of online training sessions have undisputedly become the new norm. Likewise with all our coaching courses going forward.
Starting with the Fundamental Gymnastics Coaching Course, we have reworked a 3 day Face-To-Face (F2F) course into a blended course with 2 days of online learning and a day of F2F practical session. The next course will be held over 2 weekends 25, 26 July and 2 August 2020.
This accreditation is the minimum requirement for coaching in gymnastics. The Fundamental Coach will gain the skills and knowledge to assist in preparing and coaching gymnastics sessions involving fundamental movement and gymnastics skills. The Fundamental Gymnastics Course is open to individuals, regardless of your sporting background, discipline or history. The minimum age to attend the course is 16 years old.
There are 4 great perks around the new way we run the Fundamental Coaching Course:
- Singapore Gymnastics is working closely with Republic Polytechnic, tapping on their fantastic Learning Management System to facilitate learning and delivery
- Participants now get to do 2/3 of the course from the comfort of their own homes
- Payment for the Fundamental Coaching Course may be made using SkillsFuture Credit
- Together we are pushing boundaries of approaching sports education and technology
To register for course, please head over to for more information and/or to register.