We would like to thank all the clubs that have registered for National Championships, the updated provisional schedule is now available here and the first draft of the start lists will be released for all disciplines by the 24 February 2023.
We would like to be able to accommodate and provide all athletes training in our affiliated clubs access to this competition experience. It's great to see the significant increase in the number of athletes registering for the National Championships. However, it's understandable that there are limitations in terms of accommodating all teams due to the limited time available for the championships.
This year alone we have had across the board a 20% increase in registration which is more than 250 additional athletes from 2022. This indeed is a fantastic problem to have, and we are excited to see the growth of the sport. It's a testament to the hard work and dedication of the affiliated clubs in promoting the sport of gymnastics.
What are we going to do about this for 2023, we have expanded some of the age groups so there are more medals in the divisions where we have large numbers. The changes in divisions for National Championships can be found in this document. There are some divisions where the age groups have been combined due to numbers as well.
What are we going to do about this growth of athletes moving forward into 2024?
This will provide more opportunities for athletes to compete and showcase their skills.
With this increase in numbers, we do need help!! It's important for clubs to support the event by providing judges and volunteers.
Please make sure club judges are available to assist and register as soon as they receive the link. We would also appreciate assistance we encourage all parents to volunteer today! Register here. It’s a great way to get up close and see another side of the event!
Spectator tickets will go on sale on the 24 February 2023 so please look out for this information.
We hope the National Championships will be a successful event, and wish all the athletes, clubs and coaches the best of luck.
We look forward to welcoming everyone to the 20213 National Championships
Yours in sport
Singapore Gymnastics