The Board, at its meeting on 4 February 2025, discussed and agreed succession plans for the 2025 Annual General Meeting (AGM), where Board elections will take place. The date of the 2025 Elections will be Saturday 30 August at the BlackBox at the Sportshub.
There will be a total of six Board positions to be contested, four Elected Directors with a four year term, and two Appointed Directors with a two year term. It might be useful at this point to remind ourselves of the Purpose of Singapore Gymnastics, the Governance Structure of Singapore Gymnastics and the Membership Structure (who votes) of Singapore Gymnastics.
The Board agreed, as part of the succession planning process, current Directors will complete a skills matrix to map current skills and experience. In addition, they agreed that a Board Director Recruitment Pack would be produced and posted on the Singapore Gymnastics website to encourage more people from the gymnastics community to serve. The purpose of the Recruitment Pack is to provide members with information as to the commitments required of Board Directors and to help identify potential future Directors for election at the AGM.