Dear Full & Club Members
Notice is hereby given that the 18th Annual General Meeting of Singapore Gymnastics will be held on Saturday, 12 September, from 2:00pm – 5:00pm, under the Constitution approved on 30 August 2019.
Important Notes:
In light of the COVID-19 situation and pursuant to the relevant order under the COVID-19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020, the following arrangements will be adopted for the Annual General Meeting:
- A member will not be able to attend the Annual General Meeting in person. A member may only attend the Annual General Meeting by observing and listening to the proceedings of the meeting by electronic means. The details will be released prior to 4 September 2020;
- Voting Members are required to submit the name of their voting delegate and other attendees who will represent their club &/or association at the AGM before the 28 August 2020 on the nominated form;
- A member may submit questions to Singapore Gymnastics via post or email. The questions must reach SG at least 14 days prior to the Annual General Meeting to gm@singaporegymnastics.org.sg ;
- All substantial and relevant questions will be addressed by the Board and/or management prior to, or at, the Annual General Meeting. Questions that concern a matter that will be put to a vote will be addressed by the Board and/or management before the closing date;
- The relevant papers will be dispatched by the 4 September 2020.
Please find the AGM Notification package.
- Notice of AGM
- Voting Representative Form
- Delegates Attending Form
- Minutes from 2019 AGM
- Proposed changes to the Constitution
Please note that the following forms are due back into the SG office by the 28 August 2020
- Voting Representative form
- List of Delegates attending
Please send all forms to gm@singaporegymnastics.org.sg
For clarity please find further information relating to:
- Voting Members
As per the Constitution and clause 1.35 “Voting Members” means all Full and Club Members eligible to vote at a General Meeting.
Eligibility to be recognised as a Full or Club Member is according to Clause 5.1a and 5.1b
- Full Member: open to societies and associations registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS) that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of the Association as the governing body for Gymnastics in Singapore and paying the prescribed yearly subscription fee. Full Members must have a minimum of 20 valid individual members and must be actively engaged in activities which are directly related to furthering Gymnastics in Singapore or participating in Gymnastics activities organised by the Association. Full Members shall be entitled to have a vote at all General Meetings subject to the member not having any subscription fee arrears as of the date of the General Meeting.
- Club Member: open to societies and associations registered with the Registrar of Societies (ROS), to corporate or business entities registered with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA), and recognized as Gymnastics clubs, that are willing to observe the rules and regulations of the Association as the governing body for Gymnastics in Singapore and paying the prescribed yearly subscription fee. Club Members must be actively engaged in Gymnastics and delivering the sport to schools and to the general public, and with a minimum of 20 registered participants with the Association. Club Members shall be entitled to have a vote at all General Meetings subject to the member not having any subscription fee arrears as of the date of the General Meeting. Club Members are entitled to all Club Member benefits prescribed by the Association.
Just a reminder that according to clause 9.9 of the Singapore Gymnastics Constitution
Any Member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so provided he gives written notice to the Secretary at least one (1) week before the meeting is due to be held.
If any Voting Member would like to place an item on the agenda for the upcoming AGM, please send through written notification of the agenda item to gm@singaporegymnastics.org.sg before 28 August 2020.
The rest of the AGM papers, including the Annual Report and the Financial Statement will be released on the 4 September 2020.
Please feel free to contact the office if you have any further questions.