Notice is hereby given that the 21st Annual General Meeting of Singapore Gymnastics will be held on Saturday, 9 September 2023, from 5:00 -7:00pm.
Venue: Black Box Auditorium @ Sports Hub Visitor Centre, 6 Stadium Walk, Singapore 397698.
- President’s Welcome
- Approval and confirmation of the minutes of the 20th Annual General Meeting held on 24 September 2022.
- Approval of the Annual Report for the year ended 31st March 2023.
- Approve and adopt Audited Financial Statements for the year ended 31st March 2023.
- Appointment of External Auditor for the next financial years
- Election of Directors
- Approval of Full Club Membership
- Close of AGM
- Notice of AGM and Draft Agenda
- Board Nomination Forms
- Voting Representative Nomination Form
- Voting Member Delegate/s Nomination Form
- Minutes of the 20th Annual General Meeting held on 24 September 2022.
25 August 2023 - Deadline for Voting Members to submit
- Board Nominations
- Voting Representative
- Delegation attending
- Special Resolutions and/ or agenda items (if any)
1 September 2023 – Final AGM papers sent to Voting Members.
Voting members can nominate 5 representatives to attend which includes the Voting Representative.
Just a reminder that according to clause 9.12 of the Singapore Gymnastics Constitution
Any Voting Member who wishes to place an item on the agenda of a General Meeting may do so provided he gives written notice to the Association at least fourteen (14) days before the meeting is due to be held.
.If any Voting Member would like to place an item on the agenda for the upcoming AGM, please send through written notification of the agenda item to gm@singaporegymnastics.org.sg on or before 25 August 2023.
The rest of the AGM papers, including the Annual Report and the Financial Statement will be released on the 1 September 2023.
Please feel free to contact the office if you have any further questions.