This is an update from the 3rd Board Meeting held on Tuesday 7 November 2023 held as a hybrid meeting.
- The recently appointed CEO, Justin Tay, delivered a brief presentation to the Board as part of the introduction process.
- The Board were updated on the recent Joint High-Performance Committee (JMC) meeting held on the 30 October 2023. The JMC is focused on high performance strategy linked to the SportSG annual funding, with the main discussion on the FY24/25 plan.
- The Board approved the addition of An-Jian Ong Garcia as a committee member to the Fundraising and PR Sub-Committee (FPRC).
- The Board extensively discussed member communication channels, emphasising the importance of maintaining an open and accessible relationship. However, it was made clear that the National Office is the primary point of contact for addressing issues or problems, highlighting the need for a unified approach between the Board and the National Office, without delving into day-to-day operational matters.
The understanding is that if the National Office doesn't address a complaint as per the Complaints policy, only then should such matters be escalated to the Board. Additionally, Whistleblowing cases automatically go to the Chairman of ARC
- The Board discussed the FY23/24 Fundraising activity the 2024 Cartwheel-a-thon, approving the budget and the MOU with Beyond Social Services that will see 30% of proceeds nett of costs going to BSS as a beneficiary of the fundraising activity.
Target Date: Sat, 13 Jan 2024, 2-hour highlight event.
• 4-6 clubs in Singapore.
• 2 shopping malls (Katong and Holland One).
a) Foster community engagement.
b) Set a cartwheel record in 2 hours in the Singapore Book of Records.
c) Raise funds for a charity partner and our national high-performing team.
- The Board deliberated on and endorsed the updated roles and objectives of the Governance Sub-committee, which will undergo revitalisation with revised goals aimed at advising and supporting the Board in promoting the practice of good governance within the organisation.
- The Board addressed the "Use of the National Flag Guidelines" and the corresponding communication strategy. The Board approved the proposed guidelines with slight adjustments to be implemented before disseminating the information to the community.
- Demonstrating their commitment to good governance and best practices, the Board has introduced an additional layer of Board evaluation by incorporating "Observers" into attending some of the Board meetings. These Observers, selected from SG sub-committees, will play a crucial role in offering valuable feedback to the Board regarding the effectiveness and efficiency of Board meetings. The November Board meeting marked the inaugural presence of Observers.
The next Board meeting was held on 5 December 2023.
Singapore Gymnastics Board