
Online Launch of RG National Programme 2025 & Beyond Attracts Over 70 Participants

Published Sun 07 Jul 2024


On Friday, July 5, the RG National Programme 2025 & Beyond was launched online, drawing participation from over 70 members of the rhythmic gymnastics community. This event marked a significant milestone as the programme aims to elevate standards and unify practices in rhythmic gymnastics across Singapore.


Attendees were provided with a presentation and an updated programme manual overview, which the RG TAC and National Programme Working Group encourage the community to review. For those wanting to provide feedback, ask questions, or seek clarifications, a registration form has been set up here. To ensure everyone is aligned with the new programme and to prevent any misinterpretation, SG requests feedback, questions, and clarifications by July 26, after which the working group will compile an FAQ to be released at the beginning of August.


In addition to the manual, resources to support the programme, including instructional videos, are being developed and will be available in September 2024. These resources aim to aid clubs, coaches, and athletes in smoothly transitioning to the new programme.


The 2024 Classic and GymCarnival have been selected as the first competitions to implement the new programme. This will provide an early opportunity for participants to adapt to the new National Programmes in preparation for the 2025 National Championships.


Furthermore, a friendly reminder is issued for clubs to complete the expression of interest for the National Levels Cup. The form can be accessed here.


As the community embarks on this new journey in rhythmic gymnastics, SG extends their best wishes and expresses their excitement for future developments in the sport. Special thanks are extended to the dedicated efforts of the working group members: Phaan Yilin, Cecilia Chia, Zhou Ying, Bianka Panova, Berfin Serdil Ors, and Cherrie Kwek.

