
Pathway development for KinderGym

Published Fri 08 Jul 2022

What does Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) and KinderGym Programme have in common with each other?  Both focus on physical literacy of young children ages 6 years old and younger while getting the children to develop their locomotive skills through fun and games

Have you ever wondered a child who aspire to be a gymnast? The child will need to be trained in the Dominant Movement Skills (DMP). For instance, statics, locomotion, swing, spring, landing, object manipulation and not forgetting rotation!

And the best way to be equipped with these skills will be to attend the ActiveSG Gymnastics Academy (AGA) KinderGym Programme. This programme is specifically catered to children ages 4 to 6 years old to learn the fundamental movement and gymnastics skills which will allow them to run, jump, throw and tumble confidently.

Prime Gymnastics is the first affiliated club to embark on this collaboration between SportSG and Singapore Gymnastics to broaden the base of physical literacy of young children through the KinderGym Programme at Bishan Sports Hall.  

We have launched the programme at Sengkang Sports Hall to reach out to the members of public in the North-East region. More information of the programme can be found by visiting their website: to find out their schedule.

Already have an accredited KinderGym coach on board?  Sign up as a KinderGym Deliver Partner by clicking here.

Do not have an accredited KinderGym coach yet?, Fear not, you can sign up for the upcoming course happening soon on 2nd and 3rd August 2022, at Bishan Sports Hall. 

Not sure how you can contribute in the pathway development of young children in learning Gymnastics? Reach out to our Participation Officer through
