
Professional Standards & Guidelines (PSG) for PA Trainers

Published Fri 28 Jul 2017

The following Clauses of the Professional Standards and Guidelines (PSGs) For PA Trainers (19 July 2017)  have been updated. The revised PSGs will take immediate effect.

Changes to PSG are highlighted in blue as follows:


Clause Current Revised
17 Classes for Young Children


g. Comply with any circulars, directives, standards or guidelines issued by the PA, Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), Ministry of Education (MOE) or any other government agencies on issues of health, hygiene and safety for children.


Classes for Young Children


g. Comply with any circulars, directives, standards or guidelines issued by the PA, Ministry of Health (MOH), Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY), Ministry of Education (MOE) or and any other government agencies such as the Early Childhood Development Agency (ECDA), Ministry of Health (MOH), etc on issues such as but not limited to ofhealth, hygiene and safety for children.


19 Kindergarten Programmes


a. Operators / private schools and trainers are

not allowed to run kindergarten programmes at

CCs and RCs.  Kindergarten programmes at RCs

are not allowed because RCs are not custom

built / fitted with the proper facilities to meet

the Ministry of Education (MOE) licensing

requirements for kindergarten programmes.

RCs with their limited space serve the needs of residents of all ages and thus cannot be

custom-built / fitted to run kindergarten programmes alone.  For CCs, private operators are only allowed to run kindergarten programmes if they rent CC premises

on a leasehold basis, and meet MOE’s kindergarten licensing requirements.  Private operators are not allowed to jointly organise kindergarten programmes with grassroots organisations on a contractual / agreement



Kindergarten Programmes


a. Operators / private schools and trainers are not allowed to run kindergarten programmes at CCs and RCs.  Kindergarten programmes at RCs are not allowed because RCs are not custom built / fitted with the proper facilities to meet the Ministry of Education (MOE) ECDA licensing requirements for kindergarten programmes.  RCs with their limited space serve the needs of residents of all ages and thus cannot be custom-built / fitted to run kindergarten programmes alone.  For CCs, private operators are only allowed to run kindergarten programmes if they rent CC premises on a leasehold basis, and meet MOEECDA’s kindergarten licensing requirements.  Private operators are not allowed to jointly organise kindergarten programmes with grassroots organisations on a contractual / agreement basis.


c. Private operators wishing to run kindergarten programmes at CCs should contact the CC directly on rental terms, and refer to MOE’s website on the kindergarten licensing requirements at



c. Private operators wishing to run kindergarten programmes at CCs should contact the CC directly on rental terms, and refer to MOE ECDA’s website on the kindergarten licensing requirements at



d. MOE will conduct on-site checks at CCs / RCs to follow-up on complaints from the public, and will take appropriate action against operators.



d. MOE ECDA will conduct on-site checks at CCs / RCs to follow-up on complaints from the public, and will take appropriate action against operators.

