
Safe Sport Community Consultations

Published Thu 31 Mar 2022

A community-driven framework

Whilst guided by international frameworks on safeguarding in sport, the Safe Sport Unified Code and Safe Sport Programme have been contextualised for Singapore's sporting landscape and the sporting community through extensive consultations with sporting community stakeholders.

These consultations were made possible only through the partnership with these organisations

  • Athletes’ Commission, Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC)
  • Women in Sport Committee, SNOC
  • Singapore Para Athletes Commission
  • Singapore National Paralympic Committee
  • Singapore Disability Sports Council

The Safe Sport Commission is full of gratitude to the participants for sharing their stories, thoughts, feedback and insights, which are reflected in these reports.

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Phase 1 - Experts & Leaders Report
Experts in safeguarding from governmental and non-governmental organisations were involved in Phase 1 of the consultations, including the Ministry of Social and Family Development, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Singapore Police Force, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital, Singapore Children’s Society and AWARE. Unified Code v 3.0
Phase 2 - Community Focus Group Discussions Report
Eight (8) community focus group discussions comprising 197 athletes, coaches, parents, volunteers, members of the para sport community, sport administrators, support staff, safeguarding officers, organisational leaders and commercial programme providers were held over a period of three months.

The consultation participants included representatives of national sports associations, clubs, commercial organisations and institutions which run multi-sport programmes such as institutes of higher learning, the Singapore Sport School, Association for Persons with Special Needs (APSN) and Movement for the Intellectually Disabled of Singapore (MINDS)
Focus Groups
Phase 3 - Key Stakeholder Working Groups Report
Three (3) key stakeholder working groups comprising:
- Athletes
- Sport Administrators & Safeguarding Officers
- Organisational Leaders
were formed in this phase to examine in detail the proposed case management rules, the decision-making framework and the powers and functions of the Safe Sport Disciplinary Panel when addressing incidents of concern.


