
SG Technical Member Code of Ethics Pledge

Published Wed 06 Jan 2021

As coaches and sports practitioners, we play a critical role in the personal as well as athletic development of their athletes. Being a member of Singapore Gymnastics, we subscribe to and enforce code of ethics that demonstrates our commitment to providing quality services and expertise.


Three broad principles form the framework for the coach's code of ethics and are illustrated by a list of key ethical standards related to coaching. The three principles are:

1. Respect for Individuals

2. Responsible Coaching

3. Integrity in Actions



I pledge to treat every individual with respect and dignity.

  1. Treat and respect everyone equally, regardless of race, language, religion, culture, gender or physical ability.
  2. Recognise that your athletes can contribute in providing positive feedback on training methods and how best performance during training and competition could be optimised. Be a good listener when occasions for such interaction arise.
  3. Remember that there is a need for certain information to be kept confidential. Disclosure of such information should only be made with the consent of those who requested confidentiality.
  4. Be sensitive to the feelings of your athletes when providing feedback on their training progress and performance during competition. Criticisms, if any, should not be directed at the athlete, instead it should be on your athlete's performance.
  5. Direct my observations and recommendations regarding all aspects of gymnastics to the appropriate persons for betterment of the sport.
    • Be constructive in my criticisms and direct comments and observations to the relevant individuals and organizations, to avoid gossip innuendo and malicious comment
    • Respect the efforts of appointed and elected representatives of SG
    • Refrain from public criticism of the sport, officials, staff or volunteers



I pledge to ensure sufficient duty of care to the participants is always exercised such that risks to the participants are minimised and benefits to their holistic development are maximised.

  1. Exercise a standard of care consistent with my competence and obligations as a coach and provide a quality service to my athletes and to the sport
  2. Prepare well-planned and sound training programmes and execute them in a manner that would benefit all your athletes.
  3. Advise your injured athlete to seek further medical treatment and suggest an appropriate recovery plan whenever possible. When deciding on your injured athlete's ability to continue training or competing, do take into account his/her future health and general well-being.
  4. Ensure that training and competition venues meet with minimum safety standards and that your athletes are properly attired.
  5. Encourage, by example, the removal of any form of personal abuse
  6. Language and tone of voice used in the presence of athletes should provide clear direction, boost their confidence, encourage or affirm them not be harmful to athletes
  7. Put athletes’ welfare first; making decisions based on the best interests of my athlete’s’ sporting, education and vocational careers



I pledge to act with uprightness, wholeness and coherence.

  1. Be honest and sincere when communicating with your athletes. Do not give false hopes to your athlete.
  2. Inform a fellow coach if and when you are working with their athletes.
  3. Your coaching qualifications and experience should be accurately represented, both in written and verbal form.
  4. Abide by the rules of your sport and respect your opponents and those in positions of authority.
  5. decision, complaining about the conduct of another member.
  6. Adopt a professional attitude and maintain the highest standards of personal conduct. It should encompass your mannerism, dress and language to project a favourable image of gymnastics and coaching.
  7. Exercise self-awareness and evaluate how your values and actions influence your coaching activities positively or negatively.


Thank you for doing your part!

For full details on the Code of Ethics, please refer to our SG Code of Ethical Conduct policy.
