
SGDP Invitation Update

Published Mon 02 Mar 2020

Due to the postponement of National Championships in 2020, the criteria for invitations on Singapore Gymnastics Development Programme needs to be modified.

The principles for invitations remain. That is, that athletes compete in the recommended divisions at National Championships, based on the National Programme of your discipline. Specifically, it is based on a combination of the division entered at National Championships and the age of the athlete.

However, as National Championships is not until September, there have been some adjustments for 2020 only.

Invitations for SGDP in 2020 (coming out in mid-April) will be based on the following:

  • The existing criteria will be implemented on entries made into National Championships before they were closed. (Note, entry deadline was 13th of February and the event was postponed on 10th of February so it is expected this criteria will cover most athletes.)
  • Consideration will be given for an athlete who had not already registered but was planning to AND was invited to participate in SGDP in 2019. Click here to open the form to register an athlete who fills these criteria. The form will ask you to provide information demonstrating the athelte fullfilled the following required criteria.

If you coach an athlete who you feel merits consideration, based on the spirit of the criteria, but is not eligible for the critiera above, please contact Alexis Lebedew at the details below.

The deadline for Targetted Nominations is 31st March, 2020.

As always, if you have any questions about Pathways for gymnastics in Singapore, please contact National Pathways Manager, Alexis Lebedew, at

