Final touches are now being put on the schedule, the groups and the coach development which forms the Singapore Gymnastics Development camps for MAG, WAG and RG.
Invitations for this Annual programme were based on entries into National Championships and were finalised in June. Unfortunately the June activities were cancelled so this is the first time these athletes and their coaches will get together this year.
The complications due to bubble sizes and venue limits have been worked through, and our international experts will be sharing their insights to the coaches via the now familar Zoom interface. This Coach Development form a critical part of each camp. The philosophy of the programme is that it is the daily training environment which determines long term success. So it is important that we work closely with the coaches so that they bring increased knowledge and understanding back into the club and share it with every athlete they coach.
For all athletes, if you accepted your invitations back in June, please contact your club as they are receiving all the information as it is being finalised.