
Singapore Gymnastics 20th Annual General Meeting.

Published Tue 04 Oct 2022

The Singapore Gymnastics (SG) 20th Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday 24 September 2022, with 10 Voting Members in attendance. 

1.    SG President Dr. Patrick Liew tabled the 2021 Annual Report and emphasised how proud Singapore Gymnastics is of the gymnastics community for staying engaged with the sport through what has been another challenging year facing restrictions.

Some other key takeaways from his 2021 report were:
a.    SG had their second Olympian, Ms Tan Sze En, compete at the 2020 Olympics in late July 2021.
b.    The 2022 National Championships in March 2022 saw over 1,204 gymnasts competing across Men’s Artistic Gymnastics, Women’s Artistic Gymnastics, Rhythmic Gymnastics and Trampoline across all levels. This event continues to grow, with a 14% increase in participants this year.
c.    SG’s continued strong and proactive stance on Safe Sport and Child Safety with the implementation of a Child Safe policy adopted in 2021 which came into effect on 1 January 2022. The policy supplements other existing endeavours already in place. Due to the importance of this policy and to ensure implementation across the community, SG had it translated into Chinese and Russian. An educational questionnaire was also developed for Clubs to use so they could ensure their coaches and officials understand the content of this policy.
d.    In October2021, Singapore Gymnastics rolled out the Body Confidence Guidelines to help athletes feel confident and empowered. These guidelines were developed in collaboration with the Singapore Sport Institute (SSI) and the National Youth Sport Institute (NYSI) to educate and protect our athletes while providing a safe environment for them to excel in their sport.
e.    At the 2021 AGM held in August 2021, changes to the Constitution were approved. Governance of best practice is the cornerstone of sports achievement. It is therefore essential that SG operations meets the highest level of integrity in promoting the sport and the objectives of the organisation.
f.    The 2021 AGM saw seven new Directors elected for a two- and four-year term, which will see the implementation of staggered terms of office. The newly elected board comprised of five of the Directors elected in March.  The Board would like to put on record their appreciation to the previous board members:  Jacqui Heng, Rabia Muir, Jessica Hinton and Stephen Lim for stepping up in March 2021 to strengthen the organisation in the lead up to the 2021 AGM. The Board thank them for volunteering to serve SG and for their efforts and contributions.  Immediately following the AGM, the newly appointed Board met to appoint two Directors and the key office bearers. The Board looks forward to continuing to serve the community and working in partnership to see the Strategic Plan become a reality
g.    At the 2021 AGM, nine additional Voting Members were approved. It is important that we continue to build our community and Voting Members to ensure sustainability of the organisation, but more importantly it guarantees that the organisation is representative of the entire community.
h.    On 12 March 2022, the second Honorary Life Membership Award in SG’s history was awarded to Mr Sng Puay Liang, a person who has made valuable and outstanding contributions to the Association.
i.    In September, SG President was elected to the Singapore National Olympic as a National Sports Association (NSA) representative on the Executive Committee of the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC).
j.    In November2021, the 2022 – 2025 Strategic Plan was released during the 2021 Club Forum. The new Strategic Plan builds on the initiatives developed over the past 4 years and ensures decisions for continual improvement of SG are informed and data driven. 
k.    The Board continues their commitment to finding a “home” for gymnastics and the Facilities Subcommittee was formed to assist with this task in 2021.
l.    SG is cognisant of the need to remain viable and relevant, reduce its reliance on Sport Singapore funding and increase our membership base. While SG demonstrated a surplus in FY21/22, only 29% of the total income was received from additional revenue, meaning 71% of our income came from SportSG funds. The Board is committed to sourcing other revenue streams and will be working hard during their tenure to attract patrons, donors, and sponsors. However, this is not enough, and the Board, with the support of the community, will need to conduct fundraising activities.
The more detailed President’s report can be found in the online Annual report approved at the AGM.

2.    The Treasurer, Kenneth Cheung, tabled the Financial Statement for the FY21/22 with an operating surplus of $54,421.  It was noted that $70,000 of much needed income received for the year came from donations and One team Singapore Funding (OTSF) which the Board had actively acquired. 

3.    The Voting Members approved the following affiliated Clubs to full Club Membership status with voting rights at next year’s AGM. This now takes SG’s Voting Members count to 32 Voting Members. 
    Gymnastics Education
    SWAGA Gym
    The Gymazing Gymnastics
    Art Fairy Gymnastics Academy
    Tanglin Lions Gymnastics

4.    The Members approved the appointment of S C Mohan PAC as the statutory auditor for the Financial Year End 31st March 2023 and 31st March 2024

In closing, the President delivered a personal heartfelt message to the Members 

“Singapore Gymnastics belongs to each and every one of the members.  It’s not owned by the government, governmental agency, a person, or group of people like in a private business, or by any club or group of clubs. 

SG can only be as strong as the unity and contribution of every Club Member. 

If SG does well, together with all of you, we can promote the culture, passion, and commitment to learning and playing (sic) gymnastics. 

Club membership contribution is $179/year.  SG’s expenditure or return back to the community for the year was $2.8million. With the 27 Voting Members, SG spends approximately $104k per Voting Member. If this is a business, the returns on investment for Clubs is quite good. 

Why am I sharing this with you? 

I hope that each and every one of you will participate actively in SG. 

Contribute to SG’s strength, growth and contribution to our community, our country and our people.   

I dare to say that SG is better run than many NSAs and other organisations. I can say that with certainty because I’m a representative of NSAs on SNOC. We are virtually becoming one of the models for NSAs and the sports community. 

However, how we progress from here depends on each and every one of you. 

SG is not perfect. We have our fair share of flaws and failures. Can I ask you to step up and join us in fixing different issues.  Help us in running SG effectively and efficiently.

Obviously, please don’t add to our problems by recruiting personnel unethically. Treating our stakeholders unfairly and causing disunity and unhappiness in our gymnastics family. 

I am appealing for your help in making SG strong and united, and a shining light in the sports community in Singapore, the region, and world at large.”

