The main objective of our annual SGDP camp is to create an environment for both athletes and coaches to learn from one another and to improve the overall quality of gymnastics in Singapore. The camp lasted from 13th June to 17th June at the Women’s and Men’s National Training Centre for their respective disciplines.
The camp was lead by our NTC coaches, Mr Ryosuke Kusumi (MAG), Mr Park Giyong (MAG), Ms Lim Heem Wei (WAG), Ms Luretta Seah (WAG), Ms Park Hayan (WAG) and Ms Zhang Zhen (WAG).
At Singapore Gymnastics, we would like to thank Prime Gymnastics Club, BazGym, Raffles Gymnastics Academy, CT Gymnastics and The Gymnazing Gymnastics for joining us! We can’t wait to see you all back again for our second run in November!