Congratulations to all members of our rapidly expanding Singapore Gymnastics community!
We are closing in on our 3k membership milestone and we continuously strive to provide benefits to all members suitable to their individual needs.
- The majority of our members are athletes, who have access to more competitions than ever, at a level to suit them. Our events are scheduled to provide at least 2 opportunities to compete and/or participate, depending on their athlete membership.
- Technical members have access to world class development opportunities at minimal to zero cost. These come in various forms, including online webinars, yearly in-person coaches congress, fully paid Shift Movement Science's The Hero Lab programme, fully paid Working with Parents in Sports portal to name a few.
- Clubs have access to industry experts in club growth and management such as 3rd Level Consulting that specialises in global children's activity centres and academies business management and expansion. Clubs are also eligible to further membership rebates as they advance through the Club Quality Assurance Programme while ensuring consistency, improvement, member satisfaction, and competitive advantage in operations and safe sport.
- Associate members get to see their children compete for free at SG organised events as well as fully paid access to content in Working with Parents in Sport portal
Follow the links above for more information on membership benefits. Should you require assistance to access some of the paid membership content, please write in to for support.
We will continue to endevour to provide valuable benefits such as annual gifts, bi-weekly newsletter updates, free spectator entry to events, discounted course rates etc and we look forward to continuing to work with and grow with our community.