
SportSG Coach Appreciation Month 2020

Published Mon 14 Sep 2020

Coaches are the driving force behind the journeys of sporting excellence, and the development of skills and character.

Every September, the Singapore Coaching community recognises the tireless contributions of coaches.  As part of this celebration, Singapore Gymnastics (SG) encourage all clubs to promote their coaches online.

Previously, SG asked for nominations from clubs of their inspirational coaches, and explained that Facebook/Instagram would be used to conduct polls to determine who would SG nominate to CoachSG. Unfortunately, SG did not receive enough nominations to conduct the polls hence, all nominations received have been passed on to CoachSG.

We now have another phase of Coach Appreciation Month, which involves the promotion of all the coaches in your club.

Below is a framework which we could like you to consider:

  • Have athletes take a photo of themselves with their coach, or a clip of them saying something about their coach

  • For adult athletes, have them share the clips online with the tags being used by CoachSG and Singapore Gymnastics:

    • Hashtag
      • #coachsg
      • #sgthankyoucoach
      • #starthergoanywhere
      • #singaporegymnastics
    • Follow
      • @singaporegym
      • @CoachSG1 (FB)
      • @CoachSGOfficial (IG)
  • For U18 athletes, have them share the clips with your staff, if their parents provide permission, and have your staff share them on your social media pages. This makes everyone compliant with our commitment to child safety:

    • Use the same tags in the comment/description as above

  • We ask that you start posting these pictures, perhaps one per day, on the 14th of September, with a plan to have your most inspirational coach/es promoted on the 24th of September

  • The main event by CoachSG is on the 25th of September and is open to all NROC coaches

Even if you don’t use this protocol, please promote your coaches as much as possible throughout this month. Singapore Gymnastics strongly believes that it is the relationship between clubs and coaches which will raise the standard of gymnastics throughout the country.
