
Start Here, Go Anywhere

Published Fri 06 Aug 2021

Gymnastics is an excellent activity for both boys and girls. It is ideal for developing a child’s balance, basic motor skills and coordination.

Gymnastics is all about teaching children the fundamental movement skills and general coordination they need to lead an active and healthy life. It provides the foundation for future sporting success and lifelong, active and healthy participation in physical activity. It keeps children fit and provides them with the skills of control, flexibility and strength which means they can leap and jump and perform tricks like no other.

Gymnastics is the name for a whole range of different disciplines. These include those you may have seen on television at the Olympics such as Men’s and Women’s Artistic Gymnastics (the one where the men show superhuman strength on Rings and the women do somersaults on the Beam), Rhythmic Gymnastics (the one where they throw a ball, hoop or clubs in the air while doing a backflip, and catch it), and Trampoline (where they jump as high as the roof).
