We hope everyone had a wonderful start to 2023 as we cartwheel into the new year!
Our membership drive for 2023 is now open and and we look forward to bring more competitions, participation events and engagement to our community!
All new and returning Athlete Members and individual Associate Members can now register themselves for the new via our website.
If you are a returning athlete member, simply visit https://www.singaporegymnastics.org.sg/membership/athletes-member/ , select the appropriate athlete membership and click on returning members to start the renewal process.
If you are a new athlete signing up for the first time, click on the same link and click on New Member to start registering.
Likewise for the individual Associate Members (thank you supporters of Gymnastics!), visit https://www.singaporegymnastics.org.sg/membership/associate-member-individual/ and start the renewal or new registration process, same as the athletes.
All active coaches and judges registered in 2022, as your Technical membership is a special one, a renewal invoice has been sent to your email. If you have not receive the invoice in either your inbox and even junk mail, please get in contact with our membership team. Upon receipt of payment, your 2023 Technical Membership will be reflected in your digital membership card.
As shared previously, we are no longer issuing physical member cards and are going digital. For more information on how to access your digital card, read more here.
Should anyone has trouble renewing or registering their 2023 membership, please write in to sgoffice@singaporegymnastics.org.sg and our membership team will get back to you soonest.