The year 2020 will forever stand out in the history books due to the unprecedented effects of COVID-19. The virus has caused large parts of the world to go into lockdown for the last number of months. Flattening and then eliminating the curve has become a global priority and quarantine, self-isolation, and social distancing have become the norm.
Because of this, businesses, where groups of people gather in close proximity to each other, have had to close. This includes gymnastics clubs and related training facilities.
The Singapore Gymnastics community is thrilled to return to the gym, tomorrow, 19 June 2020 after the circuit breaker with - of course, certain mandatory safety measures to be in effect upon resumption of services.
Here are some messages to uplift your spirit in this time of need.
We are awaiting your return with as much passion as ever.
Find a local gymnastics club in your area now.
All clubs that are members of Singapore Gymnastics, the governing body of gymnastics in Singapore, have to meet minimum requirements for the standard of care and child safety, along with coaching expertise and have pledged to follow Singapore Gymnastics’ Code of Ethics.