The past two weekends have been filled with dedication and learning as coaches from diverse backgrounds gathered for the Singapore Gymnastics (SG) Intermediate Sports Coaching Course held at Bishan Sports Hall. All participants are on the final leg of the SG Intermediate Coaching Course and we are rooting for them as they start their practical experience placement with SG recognised mentors.
Throughout intensive sessions led by industry experts, coaches delved into skill techniques, coaching methodology, and sports science connections. The atmosphere of collaboration was inspiring as coaches shared insights and strategies, enriching their coaching practices.
Thank you to our Learning Facilitators (Gerrit Beltman, Derek Trotter, Daria Simniriova, Ryo Kusumi, Lim Heem Wei, Berfin Serdil, Amy Kwan, Wang Wen Wen, Jeanette Tan and Jessica Hinton) for their invaluable guidance during the course. SG also extends our heartfelt gratitude to all our young gymnast helpers and their parents from the individual disciplines who gave their time and skills on their rest days in supporting the coaching course.
Not forgetting a shout out to all our coaches at the course. Coaches’ commitment to upskilling themselves by attaining an appropriate level of competence through qualifications and committing to ongoing training to ensure safe and correct practice, coaches maximise the benefits and minimise the risk to their participants. At the same time, it also elevates industry standards collectively.
Please note as of 1 July, with the discontinuation of Provisional NROC, SG Intermediate Coaching Course is the minimum coaching accreditation required for Level 1 NROC (‘Full NROC’) for Gymnastics. For more information, read more here.
As we conclude, let's carry forward the knowledge gained and continue to inspire athletes and drive positive change in Gymnastics. Here's to continued success and impact in the sports community for all our coaches and athletes!