SG membership type of Nominator*
Please select...
SG Affiliated Clubs
SG Management Committee
SG Technical Advisory Council
SG Staff
SG Athlete Member
SG Technical Member
SG Associate Member
Please select category of award*
Please select...
Club Award
Coach Award
Athlete Award
General Award
Club Awards overview:
• Club of the Year (Competitive) award is presented to the most successful affiliated gymnastic clubs in each discipline based on the competition results achieved in the specified calendar year.
• Club of the Year (Gymnastics for All) award may be presented to gymnastic clubs that have demonstrated exceptional services and provided an outstanding contribution to the development and promotion of Gymnastics for All in Singapore in the specified calendar year.
• Club of the Year (Learning and Development) award may be presented to gymnastics clubs that have been proactive in enhancing staff competencies and skills in the specified calendar year.
• Club of the Year (Safe Sport) award is designed to recognize and honour sports clubs that have demonstrated an exceptional commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and nurturing environment for their athletes, coaches, and all members
Title of Club Award*
Please select...
Club of the Year (Competitive) – MAG
Club of the Year (Competitive) – WAG
Club of the Year (Competitive) – RG
Club of the Year (Competitive) – TRA
Club of the Year (Gymnastics for All)
Club of the Year (Learning & Development)
Club of the Year (Safe Sport)
Describe why this club is being nominated*
i.e. in what ways were their contribution to the sport been demonstrated
Supporting documents (Club Awards)*
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Club logo*
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Coach Awards overview:
• Outstanding Coach of the Year (High Performance) award aims to recognise the effort of the coach in each discipline who, in the specified calendar year, has provided an exceptional contribution to gymnastics in the elite scene.
• Outstanding Coach of the Year (National) award aims to recognise the effort of the coach in each discipline who, in the specified calendar year, has provided an exceptional contribution in the competitive scene.
• Outstanding Coach of the Year (Gymnastics for All) award aims to recognise the effort of the coach in each discipline who, in the specified calendar year, has provided an exceptional contribution in Gymnastics for All.
Title of Coach Award*
Please select...
Outstanding Coach of the Year (High Performance) – MAG
Outstanding Coach of the Year (High Performance) – WAG
Outstanding Coach of the Year (High Performance) – RG
Outstanding Coach of the Year (National) – MAG
Outstanding Coach of the Year (National) – WAG
Outstanding Coach of the Year (National) – RG
Outstanding Coach of the Year (National) – TRA
Outstanding Coach of the Year (Gymnastics for All)
Describe why this coach is being nominated*
i.e. in what ways were their contribution to the sport been demonstrated
Supporting documents (Coach Awards)*
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Coach Award Nominee's photograph*
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Please note Individual Athlete Awards can only be nominated by a Coach (Technical Member) or an Affiliated Club or a member of the TAC.
Please refer to Appendix B in the [P028] Annual Awards Policy for expansive criteria for each gymnastics discipline that is to be considered when nominating an athlete.
Title of Athlete Award*
Please select...
International Senior Athlete of the Year - MAG
International Senior Athlete of the Year - WAG
International Senior Athlete of the Year - RG
International Senior Athlete of the Year - TRA
International Junior Athlete of the Year – MAG
International Junior Athlete of the Year –WAG
International Junior Athlete of the Year – RG
National Athlete of the Year (High Performance) - MAG
National Athlete of the Year (High Performance) - WAG
National Athlete of the Year (High Performance) - RG
Levels Gymnast of the Year - MAG
Levels Gymnast of the Year - WAG
Levels Gymnast of the Year - RG
Levels Gymnast of the Year - TRA
Describe why this athlete is being nominated*
i.e. in what ways were their contribution to the sport been demonstrated
Supporting documents (Athlete Awards)*
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Athlete Award Nominee's photograph*
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General Awards overview:
• Official of the Year award aims to recognise the outstanding effort of the official in the specified calendar year, who has provided a signification contribution to gymnastics in Singapore in the specified calendar year.
• Judge Service Award aims to recognise an official who has contributed 5, 10, 15, 20 or 25 years of service as an accredited and active official across all disciplines.
• Education Award aims to recognise an individual who has made a significant contribution in the space of Gymnastics coaching and/or judging education in the specified calendar year.
• Volunteer Award aims to recognise an individual who has made a signification contribution to gymnastics in Singapore at any level, through their involvement as a Volunteer in the specified calendar year.
• Special Recognition Award (Individual) award is to honour individuals for continuous, outstanding service to the sport of gymnastics in Singapore, in either coaching/judging, and/or volunteerism/administration for a period of 5 years or more.
• Gymnastics Colours Award is to recognise and honour gymnasts who have competed at the listed international events representing Singapore.
• Gymnast Retirement Recognition award is to recognise Senior International Athletes who have officially retired and have lodged their retirement letter with the Singapore Gymnastics at least one month prior to the Annual Awards Dinner, and who represented Singapore at a Major Games.
• 5 and 10-year participation as a gymnast at the Singapore National Championships award recognises an athlete’s contribution and commitment to the sport of gymnastics and is based on an athlete’s attendance at Singapore National Championships for 5 and 10 years.
• Honorary Life Membership is the highest Award available to recognise the exceptional contribution of individuals to Singapore Gymnastics (SG) and towards the promotion of gymnastics over the years.
Title of General Award*
Please select...
Official of the Year
Judge Service Award
Education Award
Volunteer Award
Special Recognition Award (Individual)
Gymnast Colours Awards
Gymnast Retirement Recognition
5 and 10-year participation as a gymnast at the Singapore National Championships
Honorary Life Membership
Describe why this individual is being nominated*
i.e. in what ways were their contribution to the sport been demonstrated
Supporting documents (General Awards)*
For Honorary Life Member Nomination, please complete and upload Appendix C
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General Award Nominee's photograph*
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